Monday, September 22, 2008

New happenings

I don't have any pictures, but wanted to let all of you who don't already know about our happenings from Thursday and Friday. On Thursday morning at about 3:15am, I woke up because Twila was coughing. I used the restroom while deciding if she needed cough medicine. Her coughing stopped, but I had a sharp pain in my back. I went back to bed and could not get comfortable, my back was in so much pain. At 4am I woke up Toby and told him that I had to call the Dr's on call. I was instructed to go in and get checked out to make sure that everything was ok. Very, Very long story short, I was admitted to Bergan Mercy Hospital for a possible kidney infection and kidney stones. They wanted to give me IV antibotics and fuilds and also make sure that the infection did not get worse. Toby Thursday morning took Twila to preschool and one of the Mom's from Twila's playgroup wanted to know where I was, at that time we did not know that I would be admitted, Toby told her and she offered to help us out and watch Twila for the day, overnight if needed. Well, another long story short Twila had a sleep over at Margaret and Emily's house on Thursday night and stayed with them until Toby was done with work on Friday. God is so good. I was able to not have to worry about her, though I did call and check on her a couple of times. I am feeling much better now I am on antibotics and am pushing fluids. The twins are also just fine and currently staying were they are.

Twila's new glasses

As some of you may know Twila had her eyes tested a couple of weeks ago. It turns out that her eye sight has a significant prescription. So on Wednesday she got her new glasses.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

My Baby is growing up

I forgot to bring my camera, but my little girl is growing up. She is currently at her first day of preschool. She did very well, did not cry. Neither did Mom.
Well, I am going to rest before I have to go get her.